
No.9 Frankenstein

Victor Frankenstein thinks he has found the secret of life. (from back cover)

I read a book, 'Frankenstein'. This story is scary, but it is interesting for me. The main
character is Frankenstein. He makes a big mistake because he takes parts from dead people and builds a new 'man'. The monster is so big and frightening. Nobody approches him, so he wants to feel love. However, he has a ugly face and everyone hurts him when they see him. He feels angry, so he learn to kill someone.... Frankenstein feels also scary, but he can't tell anyone his secret. Therefore his agony continues for a long time. Moreover, some accidents happen. The monster asks Frankenstein to make a woman because he wants company and doesn't want to feel lonly. However Frankenstein suffers from this. If he makes a new 'man' again, his concern will grow. What should he do? If you know more, please read it!

Shelley, Mary. (1989). Frankenstein. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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